Things are coming together fast and it looks like it’s actually going to happen. Only 11 days before my start and one of the biggest fears has been that someone will step in and say “Oh, by the way, something’s come up and you can’t go.” I’m not afraid of the bears, the snakes (eeeks), the crazy mountain folk, or even the pain from blisters. I guess there is a bit of a concern about being cold and if I’m bringing the right clothing. I wonder how many thru-hikers have the fear of being cold more than anything else. The decisions made in planning and preparation has been good and sound; I hope. This coming week will be filled with work and saying good bye to friends and family. The biggest event will be Saturday; Brenda (my oldest daughter) is getting married. I’m so happy for her and it will be a good thing to take with me knowing she is happy. Mike is a good man and they will make a good life together. I’m so glad I will be there and share the day with her. Bette (my youngest daughter) will be the matron of honor and so they both will be dressed to the nines. I’m very proud of both of them. I will miss them and the rest my family, but this trip is something I have to do for myself.
If there is anything that you, my blog followers, want to know about me, the trip or want me to look into along the trail, please let me know in here and I’ll try to make it part of my blog and my grand adventure.