Time passes slowly, but I only have 40 days left to count. The last of the planning seems to be coming around. The train will be the transport to Georgia and I will have some company to see me off. Mom and Katie Kendrick (my boss) will escort me. I wonder if it’s to make sure I start the trip or if they just want to be sure I leave town. All kidding aside think it’s really nice that they want to see me off and it really is a big deal for me having their support. It will take about 26 or 27 hours to go from Lincoln to Boston and then the train to Gainesville, GA. Kind of exciting if you ask me. There will be plenty of time to do the last minute studying and planning changes on the train. Seems I’ve changed everything a few times, but the goal has remained constant. It’s like my pack; since I finished gathering all my equipment I have packed and unpacked my stuff over and over again. Now when I mention this to family and friends they all look at me like I have a second head. Only those that have done the AT or prepared for it know what I’m talking about. I look at every piece and talk to it to decide if it’s really needed to go on the trip. Now the tent and sleeping bag know they have a place, but the things like the extra Slim Jim or the bar of soap (I’m sure he will have to be cut in half at some point before I leave) or maybe the extra pair of socks will have to stay behind; it does weigh about 3 ounces you know. The excitement continues to grow so if you see me and I suddenly burst into singing or whistling it’s ok. I’ll be ok… I’m just letting out some of the excitement and I’m more than willing to share it with you so you can be excited as well. No, I’m not going crazy; well maybe a little. Oh yes, the cost of this mad cap adventure seems to be ever expanding. I know most people say it will cost about $2 a mile but I think that seems a little excessive. I was hoping for about a buck and a half a mile and that still puts the walk at three grand plus. Most hikers stay at hostels and low priced motels, eat at restaurants and drink at bars when they go to town once a week. I don’t think I will be doing much of that. A quick visit to town to pick up supplies (snickers, cookies, anything noodle or rice based) and back on the trail. A shower would be nice once in a while, but as summers’ warmth arrives I think the brooks and ponds have what I need. The pack has continued to grow in weight as I’ve been losing it and I’m not sure I like that. I hope to drop 35 pounds (started the beginning of January) before I start and now that I think about it that bar of soap needs cutting.